
What did you like best about Summer Term?

As UW-Madison’s Summer Term comes to a close, students reflect on a fun and productive experience. Here’s what six of them liked best.

Photo of Savi Lurie

A laid-back atmosphere

“Summer in Madison is truly an unforgettable experience. Although I’m currently taking two classes and working two jobs, I feel unflustered and carefree thanks to the laid-back nature of the city and campus in general. I can take a few hours out of my day after touring prospective students around campus to study on the Terrace, enjoy a scoop of Babcock ice cream, and reward myself with a dip in Lake Mendota. I can’t imagine anything better than that!”
Savi Lurie

Photo of Alex Kalof

Comfort level

“I took Business Analytics 307: Business Analytics II and Accounting 302: Financial Reporting II, two classes required for my majors. Due to a smaller class size, I learned more effectively and felt more comfortable asking questions. Not having to juggle multiple classes allowed me to put more time and effort into my assignments.”
Alex Kalof

Photo of Madison Bevan

Online convenience

“Because I took an online class, I was able to study on my own time, working around my busy schedule that included two jobs. My course was only four weeks, adding to its convenience. Being able to focus on one class without additional credits and the stress of studying for exams made taking an online summer class extremely beneficial.”
Madison Bevan

Photo of Aaron Gold

Freedom to explore

“I took Economics 302: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory so I didn’t have to take it during the academic year. I loved only taking one class at a time and having the freedom to explore everything Madison has to offer during the lovely summer months.”
Aaron Gold

Photo of Matthew Burge

Work-life balance

“I’m taking an introductory economics course online through UW Colleges. My favorite part about taking a summer class is the flexibility. I can structure my studies around my own schedule. It also gives me something to engage in other than work, which is great during the summer when time can just slip away.”
Matthew Burge

Photo of Danielle Portnoy

Smaller scale

“I really enjoyed taking summer classes on campus. It is a much smaller group of students per class, which gave me the opportunity to get to know my peers and my professor.”
Danielle Portnoy

Interested in adding your voice to influence Summer Term? The Summer Term Student Advisory Board meets twice each semester to contribute ideas to improving the summer experience and curriculum. Contact summerterm@wisc.edu for more information.