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Chancellor gives Summer Term a shout-out

In her most recent Blank’s Slate blog, Chancellor Rebecca Blank reminded everyone that the end of spring semester doesn’t mean campus goes dormant. There’s Summer Term!

headshot of chancellor Blank
Chancellor Blank says Summer Term enrollment is up and they continue to expand summer offerings.

“We’ve gone through much effort to expand offerings and make the classes more accessible to a wide range of students,” Blank said. She noted that enrollment is up over last year, and scholarship funding has been increased to $1 million, “making it financially accessible to as many students as possible. We’ve also increased the number of online courses available this summer, to a total of 272.”

Blank also mentioned the pilot online program Wisconsin Experience Summer Launch, giving incoming freshman the option to participate and make a smooth transition to campus. Beginning in June, students will earn credit toward their degrees, meet other students, and learn about campus resources before the start of fall semester. In August, they can move into their residence halls a few days early and participate in programs with fellow summer learners. Scholarships are available for the program.

Blank closed by touting summer in Madison: “If you’ll be here on campus this summer, I encourage you to get outside and enjoy the best time of year in Madison. I love an evening at the Union Terrace, taking in the beauty of the Allen Centennial Garden or strolling on the Lakeshore Path.”

For information on Summer Term, check out or email [email protected].