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Parents and family

  • Encourage your student to make Summer Term part of their college experience
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Did you know that six in ten UW–Madison students participate in at least one Summer Term before graduation?

It’s true! With more than 1,000 3-week, 4-week, and 8-week courses available on campus and hundreds online, UW–Madison’s Summer Term is a great way for your student to catch up with their studies or get ahead on credits toward graduation.

Early 4 week session

May 19–June 15, 2025

8 week session

June 16–August 10, 2025

4 week session

June 16–July 13, 2025

4 week session

July 14–August 10, 2025

How can UW Summer Term help your student thrive?

Choose from 1,000 courses

Meet requirements

Get financial aid or scholarships

Stay on track for graduation

Work or intern

Study abroad

Take online courses

Lighten fall course load

Make memories

How to succeed

Tips for Summer Term success

Summer is a more relaxed atmosphere for students to be in school, but the pace of courses can be two to three times faster due to the condensed nature of Summer Term.

Here are some tried-and-true ways that students can succeed in a class with an intensive pace:

  • Students need to give summer courses top priority. Although there are a lot of fun things to do outside of coursework during the summer, students need to make sure they don’t become a distraction from their courses. To be successful in Summer Term, advise students to use these activities as incentives to finish their schoolwork, not as a reason to avoid it.
  • Mental preparation is key. Recommend students review course basics and buy their books prior to the first day of courses.
  • Attend every class. Because the Summer Term format is accelerated, missing one course could set a student back. Therefore, it is important for students to plan their work schedule and trips around their course schedules. If a class period must be missed, students should reach out to their professor BEFORE the course begins to ensure that they stay on track.
  • Study and form a study group. Finding the perfect summer study spot will help students focus on their courses, as will forming a regular study group with their classmates.
  • Ask questions often. There is no such thing as a dumb question. Asking questions can help clear up any confusion and verify that course material is being understood.
  • Long courses and lectures can be tough to power through, but getting enough sleep and bringing healthy snacks to eat during course can help students stay alert.
  • Manage your workload. Advise students to make a conscious effort to manage their time. Students who are aware of how they spend their day can maximize productivity, which makes staying on top of coursework easier.

Are courses harder in the summer? What does “accelerated formats” mean?

Courses taught in Summer Term are “accelerated” because they cover what is usually a semester’s worth of material in three, four, or eight weeks instead of an academic year semester’s fifteen weeks. So, courses usually meet at least four days a week for a few hours each day, and students should expect to spend an additional few hours each day on reading and other homework.

Because courses are taught at an accelerated pace, courses may seem harder to some students. However, the course material taught in the summer is the same as it would be in the fall or spring semesters.

In order for your students to participate in summer courses, they should:

  • Expect to spend approximately 18 hours per week on each 8-week, 3‑credit course.
  • Have regular access to a computer with high-speed Internet if taking courses online.

Typical 8-week summer courses, as compared to regular spring/fall courses:

3-credits: lecture only

5-credits: lecture, discussion, and lab

Summer Term has plenty to offer for adults, too

Are you interested? Parents can also be a part of UW–Madison’s Summer Term by applying as a University Special student. Visit the Adults and Professionals page for more information on special student requirements and how to apply.


How long are Summer Term courses?

The most popular sessions are 3 weeks, 4 weeks, or 8 weeks long. They’ll cover the same material as they would during a traditional semester, but everything moves faster. It’s a quick but manageable pace.

My student is doing great academically — isn’t summer term for students who are struggling?

There are many reasons to take summer courses and academic difficulty might be one of them, but that’s not usually the main reason. Summer Term lets students focus their attention in fewer courses often in a smaller classroom setting, which most students like better. Your student’s advisor can talk with them about summer courses and helping to figure out if it would be a good fit.

What financial aid is available for Summer Term?

The UW–Madison Undergraduate Scholarship for Summer Study is a need-based scholarship awarded to high-achieving undergraduate students (of any major) seeking financial support to take courses in the upcoming summer session. Scholarship awards are between $500 and $1,000. Scholarship applications open and close dates TBD.

Financial aid eligibility for Summer 2021 will be based on your 2023-2024 FAFSA.

The student will be notified via email of any financial aid eligibility for Summer 2023 shortly after they enroll at least half-time in summer courses. You must be enrolled at least half-time to be eligible for most types of summer financial aid. Review the Office of Student Financial Aid’s enrollment chart for details.

The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) is available to help your student apply for other sources of financial aid for Summer Term. If you or your student wants to talk to someone about their financial aid, they can call OSFA at 608-262-3060 or email [email protected].

Internship vs. class: My daughter would like to do an internship and get some real world experience, but she also wants to stay in Madison and complete her Ethnic Studies requirement. Now what?

Taking a required course can be a great option for students to get ahead. Summer classes tend to be smaller, so students have the chance to really get to know the instructor. Also, students can really focus on the course material during an accelerated class over the summer.

If they’re staying on the Madison campus, one option would be to volunteer in the local community organization and get experience in the field at the same time that they are getting a challenging course out of the way.

For example, Badger Volunteers pairs teams of students with schools, nonprofits, and other types of community organizations. Participants volunteer one to four hours each week at the same organization throughout Summer Term, developing meaningful connections with the people they serve. Transportation, training, and more are provided.

Volunteer assignments fall into one of three categories — education, sustainability, and public health — but opportunities are available for a variety of majors and interests. Visit the Morgridge Center for Public Service to learn more.

Another option is to take an online course while volunteering or doing an internship.

What courses are available?

Choose from more than 1,000 face-to-face courses and hundreds of online courses with our searchable summer course list. Browse courses by subject, courses available online, or courses that fulfill requirements like Ethnic Studies. A full and comprehensive list of all Summer 2023 courses will be available on the Search and Enroll App in February. Enrollment begins (date TBD).

How much does it cost?

What’s an online course like?

UW–Madison online courses are taught by prestigious instructors from the university’s face-to-face courses. Instructors provide a syllabus listing important assignments, deadlines, virtual office hours, and a weekly flow diagram (also known as a weekly rhythm) that illustrates how to structure the week to succeed in the course.

Students should expect to be active participants in the learning process. They’ll learn through tools such as podcasts, mini-lectures, discussion forums, online journals, and multimedia elements. They can connect with the instructor — and classmates — through collaborative documents such as wikis, videoconferencing apps like Zoom, emailing, texting, and a host of interactive activities. Assignments and exams are submitted online.

Online courses also pair well with a summer job or internship.

What sort of academic support is available during Summer Term?

While many learning support options available during the regular academic year are not open during Summer Term due to less demand, several units still offer support during the summer months. To see a full list of tutoring and learning support resources available in the summer, students and parents can visit and select the “Summer Term” filter located on the “Find Resources” page.

The Writing Center on campus can also help your student with writing assignments whether your student is on-campus or online.

Is housing available in the summer?

University Housing offers housing for students during Summer Term. Located in the heart of campus, with easy access to bus lines, dining halls, fitness centers, and more, they’re a convenient place to live and get to know other students.

If your student is looking for off-campus housing near UW–Madison, the Campus Area Housing (CAH) office maintains a free, searchable list of rental vacancies, sublets, Private Housing Connections properties, and roommate openings in apartments and houses. The Summer Housing Boost can help students cover the cost of living in residence halls over the summer.

Can my student work on campus?

There are plenty of opportunities for full or part-time employment on campus during Summer Term that won’t interfere with your child’s summer curriculum. Many campus employers provide schedule flexibility that allows students to earn money and make progress on their academics in the summer. The Student Job Center lists summer job openings located at UW–Madison and off-campus in the private and public sectors.

Who do I contact if I have any more questions?

Your student’s advisor is a great resource to learn how Summer Term can fit into their academic plans. Summer Term staff are also here to assist you. Email us at [email protected].

Did you know? It is financially beneficial to complete a degree in four years with two Summer Terms, rather than taking a fifth year.

Not familiar with Madison?

Check out the Guide to Madison.

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