The UW–Madison School of Education and many of its programs are regarded as being among the very best in the nation. Each summer, we offer a wide range of courses that apply toward our teacher education majors, including Art Education, Elementary Education, Physical Education, and Special Education. And, many courses are offered online to give you maximum flexibility to earn credits over summer.
As part of our commitment to provide transformational and innovative learning experiences, we are offering exciting new study abroad courses, too. Look for Study Abroad in the course listings below.
Education Resources
The School of Education offers robust services so students can maximize their learning experience and thrive at UW–Madison.
*Some or all sections of this course are online.
Art Education

Art Education
- ART 224 Ceramics (required)
- ART 222 Painting (required)
- ART 376 Photography (studio elective)
- ART 307 Making Comics (studio elective)
Elementary Education

Elementary Education
- Curric 240: Critical Aspects of Teaching, Schooling, and EducationII
- Curric 319: Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Elementary Math 1
- Curric 320: Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Elementary Math 2
- Curric 406: Race, Intersectionality, and Equity in Education
- UW Education, Diversity and Community in the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) Fulfills Curric 375
Physical Education

Physical Education
- Kines 360: Lifespan Motor Development
- UW Team Building in Costa Rica (fulfills Kines 325)
Special Education

Special Education
- RPSE 300: Individuals with Disabilities
- RPSE 605: Development, Learning and Education Foundations in Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education
- RPSE 300: Individuals with Disabilities
- RPSE 605: Development, Learning and Education Foundations in Special Education
Search all classes by subject.