Social science is the study of life – of society and the ways humans behave and influence the world. The social sciences help explain events beyond our immediate experiences, from the causes of unemployment to what makes people happy. Social scientists help solve problems such as political unrest, crime, energy crises, economic instability and health issues.
Below is a sample of social science courses offered in previous summers, including on-campus and online options. The depth of courses helps prepare students for a range of careers including political scientist, social worker, journalist, anthropologist and more. Courses are grouped by theme. Contact your advisor to see which courses might help you graduate faster or lighten your load in a future semester.
*Some or all sections of this course are online.

- Economics 101: Principles of Microeconomics*
- Economics 302: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory*
- Economics 310: Statistics: Measurement in Economics*
Political Science

Political Science
- Political Science 120: Introduction to Comparative Politics*
- International Studies 101: Introduction to International Studies*
- Political Science 104: Introduction to American Politics and Government*

- Counseling Psychology 230: Race and the Developing Child*
- Educational Psychology 301: How People Learn*
- Psychology 210: Basic Statistics for Psychology*
- Psychology 532: Psychological Effects of the Internet*
- Rehab Psychology & Special Education 100: Disability and Society*
Other Courses of Interest

Other Courses of Interest
- Anthropology 352: Ancient Technology and Invention
- Community & Environmental Sociology 211: The Sociological Enterprise*
- Curriculum and Instruction 277: Videogames & Learning*
- Sociology 425: Crime, Gender, and Justice*
- Food Science 150: Fermented Food and Beverages: Science, Art and Health*
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