Summer Term helps students stay on track for graduation
Every year before the snow melts and icicles give way to spring buds, we can’t help but look ahead to summer and all its hopeful possibilities.
Whether students plan to stay in Madison for the summer or travel abroad, UW–Madison Summer Term is here to help students design the summer that’s right for them.
Summer study perks
Summer is a great time for your student to take a popular course, work on a challenging subject or lighten their load for fall or spring. And with more than 1,000 courses offered during Summer Term — hundreds of them available online — students can keep moving forward on their academic goals and get closer to graduation.
In addition to coursework, a student’s unique summer might include a job or an internship, travel or spending time with family and friends. We structure Summer Term so it fits around your student’s needs and schedule. For example, courses are offered in 3-, 4- and 8-week sessions, and students can take online courses from home or almost anywhere in the world.
Summer Term can also be right for your budget. With the Undergraduate Scholarship for Summer Study and Summer Finish scholarships, students can apply for funds to assist with the costs of summer study. If your student stays on campus, our Summer Housing Boost may help them cover the cost of living in residence halls during Summer Term.
It’s never too early to start summer planning
Students can start planning for summer any time by connecting with their advisor, browsing courses and visiting the Summer Term website.

Meet a Summer Term student who’s full of heart
Sara Kaska is one busy Badger. The UW–Madison junior from Pewaukee, Wisc., is a double major in neurobiology and Spanish. Last summer she conducted research on campus in a cardiology lab and worked as a nursing assistant in the cath lab at UW Hospital. And thanks to UW–Madison Summer Term’s flexible course options, she was also able to complete a four-week Spanish linguistics course to fulfill degree requirements and stay on track for graduation.
“Taking summer classes helps cut back on the fall/spring semester workload,” says Kaska. “[And] sometimes classes don’t fit in your fall/spring schedule, so taking them over the summer when you have the time is a perfect alternative. Taking Summer Term classes will help me graduate on time in four years.”
Read more about Sara’s Summer Term and how it’s helping her meet her academic and career goals.
Summer planning timeline
Fall: | Summer Course Preview is published. (This is a snapshot of hundreds of courses UW–Madison plans to offer during Summer Term that can help students plan ahead for their spring AND summer semesters. |
Early Jan.: | Complete list of Summer Term courses published in the Course Search and Enroll App. |
Mid-Feb.: | Summer scholarship and Housing Boost applications open. |
Early April: | Summer Term enrollment opens. |
Early April: | Deadline to apply for Summer scholarship and Housing Boost. |
Late May: | First 4-week summer session begins. Students can continue applying for courses throughout the summer before sessions begin. |
Still have questions?
The Summer Term office is here to help! Try chatting with the always-available Bucky Bot on the Summer Term website, or contact summer staff directly at [email protected] or 608-262-5973.
Published on Jan 23 2023
Last Updated on Oct 24 2024
Categories: Summer Term
Tags: academic success, advising, summer
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